I never thought as an American that I would EVER see the day where violent criminals are blanket-pardoned, and the former head of world wrestling is put in charge of the Dept. of Education. It's like living in a real-world dystopia. My mother, a lifelong Christian and non-crazy republican, said she no longer believes in the Biblical afterlife hell because we're living in it now. ☹

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Yeah, I just read that the Department of Education has declared that book bans are a hoax.

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Today's letter from his cousin Caroline is unstinting in its anger and concern over his appointment. If only Congress will show some courage tomorrow!

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I agree with everything you said Cinda. RFK is a nut job, that's why Trump has picked him. This country is going to Hell in a handbasket as my mom would have said. As a gay man and senior citizen I am very concerned about the future. I went back to work part-time due to increased cost of living. It is supposed to be short term, but if they mess with my Social Security, I may end up working till I die. I pray the people who voted Trump in will wake up to reality before it's to late and we end up with a dictator. Don Marlowe

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I am actually appalled that you are using your blog for political opinions. I am a middle of the road individual. I see both sides and don't pick sides. However, there are people out there SUFFERING from adverse reactions from vaccines. The proof is actually out there. I for one, cannot have the flu shot as it makes me sick. "Yeah, right" you might think. I react to it every time it is forced on me. My doctor actually advised me NOT to get the Covid shot. Everyone I know who had received the Covid shot has had adverse reactions. One person I know was born diabetic....she is not diabetic anymore after getting the shot. She also had to have surgery on her arm for "Trigger finger" of the whole arm. Another, a family member now has Bells Palsy after the shot. Have you check out VAERS??? Trust me there are millions of adverse reaction reports just on the Covid shots alone. Sure, Kennedy may not have the background for the position he has been placed in. THAT IS THE POINT!!! You put someone in there who is going to look at everything from ALL angles to make the best decision moving forward. Who better than a skeptic?? He definitely won't be paid by special interests to skew findings and facts. So, I for one am all for people who have no political background for some of these positions as they will look at things differently. It is time for fresh new people and ideas rather than the same old crap we've been dealing with for years. So, once again, I am ashamed that you are spewing your political views on a blog to sway your readers to your point of view. Having an opinion is one thing. but forcing your views to people who may not look at the bigger picture and just go with what their idols are saying is shameful and pathetic. You have done this a few times now and I've kept quiet, however I simply can't anymore. Wish you all the best but you have lost my respect.

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In fact, RFK has vested financial interests in throwing shade on vaccines. Inform yourself!

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I am sorry that you are disappointed in me. I would never contradict someone’s personal experience, though I would say that everyone in my family has been vaccinated, with none experiencing anything more than a fever or body aches. That is the problem with anecdotal reports—individual experiences vary. The government collects reports in order to identify possible problems, but controlled studies are the only way to make proper health care decisions. As far as Mr Kennedy not affecting the availability of vaccines, he does not have to take them off the market to have an impact. He went to Samoa during a measles outbreak, met with anti-vaccine activists, and discouraged people from getting vaccinated. Thousands were sickened, and 81 people, mostly children, died. They had to import children’s coffins to meet the demand. His cousin, Caroline Kennedy, has just spoken out against him, calling him a predator.

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Here here! 👏 who cares what trained experts say when vibes tell me otherwise?

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